Educator Connection Archives

May 2024

Special Education, Behavior & Mental Health

Creative Services , Media Services, STEM

Educational Services & English Language Learners

Professional Development & Other Opportunities

March 2024

Behavior & Mental Health

  • CPI Sessions Added! - Do you still have CPI training needs?  Learn more here.
  • Chit Chat with CBAT - Do you experience situations regarding challenging behavior... Read more here.
  • Teen Mental Health First Aid - Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth. ... Learn more here.
  • Additional Sections Added: Instructional Practices to Reduce Challenging Behavior - PLAEA is offering THREE additional sections of Instructional Practices... Learn more here.

Creative Services & Media Services

  • PLAEA Creative Services Yearbooks & Planners- Our Creative Services Team is ready to help you, your classroom, and your school!  Learn more here.
  • Learn More About Our Media Collection - Learn more here.

Educational Services & English Language Learners

  • Implementing an Instructional Framework to Support Experienced Multilinguals- In this new class offering, participants will explore the transformative insights... Learn more here.
  • Book Study: Distinguishing Between Disability & Language Acquisition - Do you find challenges with distinguishing between disability and ... Read more here.
  • Write on Time Literacy Newsletter- Read more here.
  • Contextual Learning Math Opportunity Coming to Iowa - Central Rivers AEA will be hosting Contextual Learning from Colorado... Learn more here.
  • Girls Who Code’s Free Virtual Summer Programs - Ready to shape your future and join an empowering ... Read more here.

Professional Development & Other Opportunities

Prairie Lakes is committed to supporting professional learning needs regionally as well as in districts.  With the uncertainty of legislation at this time, we are not announcing any dates for regional professional learning beyond June 30, 2024.  This is also the case for in-district PD requests of your AEA team members.  We are not able to confirm anything in-district at this time.  When legislation is formalized, we will work with districts to support identified needs.

  • Coming Soon! New Statewide Registration System- escWorks - Learn more here.
  • 24-25 District PD Needs Assessment - Prairie Lakes AEA is actively seeking information ... Read more here.
  • The Numeracy Project - Join the PLAEA Math team in collaboration with PLAEA Special Education Consultants to learn more... Learn more here.
  • Implementing Supplemental & Intensive Tiers for Student Success - Is your school improvement team or leadership team wanting to best serve... Read more here.
  • Principles and Practices for Positive Leadership Class - This learning opportunity is based on Jon Gordon’s work.. Read more here.
  • Early Bird Registration Now Open: No Limits Conference 2024 - Registration is now open for the No Limits Conference! Receive a discount AND a conference T-Shirt by registering before... Learn more here.
  • Nominate an Outstanding Teacher for Iowa’s Top Education Award - You can help find Iowa’s next Teacher of the Year! Learn how here.
  • Iowa Authentic Learning Network Virtual Student Expo - We would love to invite students & educators to a virtual expo... read more here.
  • Two Autism & Other Development Disorders PD Opportunities. - Join us as we dig deeply into Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disorders! Learn more here.
  • Master of Arts School Counseling Program - Northwestern College has received... Read more here.

February 2024

  • AEA Learning Online- A list of high school courses that are self-paced, without direct teacher instruction.  This means students can complete the work at their own pace and are required to read and comprehend the content on their own. It is important (read more here).
  • Implementing Supplemental & Intensive Tiers for Student Success- Is your school improvement team or leadership team wanting to best serve students receiving supplemental and intensive instruction? Join us (read more here)
  • Write on Time Literacy News- This month's edition of Write on Time you'll find the following (read more here)
  • Harnessing AI in Special Education: A Four Part Series- Check out this engaging four-part webinar series, tailored exclusively for special educators interested in incorporating Generative AI into their instructional methods. These interactive webinars (read more here)
  • Numeracy Project 2.0 Material Kits- If you are trained in Numeracy Project 2.0, Prairie Lakes AEA  Creative Services has Stage Material Kits. (Learn more here)
  • District Career & Academic Planning (DCAP Workshops)- Districts' DCAP teams are invited to participate in one of the upcoming DCAP Workshops organized by Prairie Lakes AEA. This is an opportunity to learn about DCAP components, (read more here)
  • STEM Scale-Up Application Workshop- The NW STEM region and Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency are hosting a STEM Scale-Up application Workshop. Learn about the Scale-Up programs, ask questions, (read more here)
  • "Spirit of Water" Essay Contest- The Spirit of Water essay contest was established and is funded through a generous gift from Betty and Dennis Keeney, formerly of Ames. (read more here)
  • 2024-25 District PD Needs Assessment- PLAEA is actively seeking information on the learning needs of district staff. This data will play a crucial role in shaping PLAEA's professional development, (read more here)
  • Book Study: Distinguishing Between Disability & Language Acquisition- Do you find challenges with distinguishing between disability and language acquisition? Join us to engage in a book and implementation study of ELL expert, Steve Gill (learn more here)
  • Registration Now Open: No Limits Conference 2024- Registration is now open for the No Limits Conference! The No limits Conference 2024 is the fist summer education conference hosted by PLAEA and NWAEA. No limits will be held (read more here)