Early Childhood/Preschool

The Early Childhood Consultants at Prairie Lakes AEA support district preschool programs in a variety of ways to help their youngest learners flourish socially, emotionally, and academically.  We provide continued development training for teachers, aides, and associates to help identify opportunities for innovation. Our coaching supports early childhood programs to create engaging, hands on, and developmentally appropriate environments in preschool programs.  We are passionate about meeting the needs of our district preschools, so that they can provide a strong foundation for life-long learning and well-being in our preschool programs.

On-Demand Learning Library

PLAEA Early Childhood team has designed a series of early childhood-specific learning for preschool programs.  The learning provided in the On-Demand Learning Library allows early childhood educators to seek out training that meets the needs of their schedules and pace.  Click on the video links within the library tool to access learning workshops. On-Demand Learning Library.

Emergent Literacy Resources for Preschool Programs

This document provides Alignment with Teaching Strategies GOLD and Evidence-based Literacy Practices for Preschool Students.

Social Emotional Resources for Preschool Programs

This document provides Alignment with Teaching Strategies GOLD and Evidence-based Practices for Preschool Students

Math Resources for Preschool Programs

This document provides Alignment with Teaching Strategies GOLD and Evidence-based Practices for Preschool Students - Math Scope and Sequence for 4 and 5 Year Olds.

PLAEA Early Childhood Newsletters

The PLAEA Early Childhood team compiles a monthly newsletter, Early Childhood News, for preschool programs regarding updates and trainings.  

PLAEA Data Team Folder

 Preschool Data Team Meetings Learning Module: Establishing a strong data culture within early childhood education programs is critical to ensuring that data-informed decisions are made consistently, routinely, and effectively. One way to accomplish this is to establish a data team to serve as leaders in building a strong vision for the most effective use of data in your preschool program.  During these learning modules, preschool teams will discover how to effectively use the data tools required of Iowa preschool programs to make instructional decisions for all students. 

Fall Preschool Data Team Meeting 

Winter Preschool Data Team Meeting

Spring Preschool Data Team Meeting