We're offering two opportunities for school leaders to explore the Iowa Standards for School Leaders.
The first opportunity is geared for principals and is offered for evaluator approval credit. This course will take place once a month at Prairie Lakes AEA and is an opportunity for principals to learn and network with one another. We will be including School Sims modules and modules from NASSP, which are aligned to the new standards. Some of the topics we will cover include: mentoring & coaching staff, building an inclusive school culture, best practices for hiring, and college, career & Future Ready. More details are available in this flyer.
Iowa's AEAs are working together to provide two other opportunities. One is an overview, self-paced module that will utilize many of the resources that has been shared by the School Administrators of Iowa. The other is a micro-credentialed opportunity that you can use in-house. This is also approved for evaluator approval.