DE offers work-based learning webinars

 Kristy Volesky, with the Iowa Department of Education, will be holding webinars on Tuesdays from 12:00-12:30 p.m., on work-based learning with the focus of making it easier to increase work-based learning experiences.

The sessions will cover:

  • Getting Started with Work-based Learning
  • Addressing Barriers to Work-based Learning
  • Embedding Work-based Learning into Curriculum
  • Scaffolding Work-based Learning Experiences for Students
  • Meeting Perkins V Work-based Learning Goals
  • Developing an Internship Program

"The workshops will only be 10-15 minutes of content with the remainder of the half an hour for question and answer. Each workshop will be focused on simplifying steps and providing a resource to help districts make a tangible next step."

For more information and to register go to the DoE page.