Hoogestraat digs in with districts to support student needs

“My favorite thing about being a School Improvement Facilitator is I get to dig in with staff and help them build systems to support the needs of students.  Working collaboratively to solve problems and figure out puzzles is energizing and rewarding," says Tiffany Hoogestraat, a School Improvement Facilitator (SIF) at Prairie Lakes AEA.

As a School Improvement Facilitator (SIF), Tiffany has the opportunity to experience different schools systems, meet and work alongside dedicated educators, and collaborate with leaders to focus on their school school improvement efforts. Prior to joining PLAEA, Tiffany served as a Teacher Leadership Coordinator for a school district. Her love of school improvement and systems work is magnified even more as a SIF,  “the impact is greater as I have the opportunity to support the districts I’m assigned as well as lead Cognitive Coaching and literacy efforts across the agency.”

No day is typical for Tiffany and she loves that aspect of her work. She makes it a priority to be in each building she’s assigned at least weekly, yet what she’s doing can vary greatly. One day she may be delivering professional development, the next she’s working with the leadership team to review data and determine next steps.  Another day she may be researching best practices for an area of focus.  While her schedule is driven by what districts need, she also has flexibility and time to plan, study and prepare for the work she is supporting.  That helps her focus on delivering accountable and quality services to districts.

Tiffany encourages those who enjoy school improvement work to consider becoming a SIF at PLAEA.   “You don’t have to come into this job knowing everything.  There are so many opportunities to learn and wonderful people who will help you along the way.”

“I definitely would encourage others to join Prairie Lakes AEA, Tiffany said.  "The people I work with are so kind, helpful, and nice. It feels good to come to work and know you are truly appreciated.”