Do you support students receiving Level 3 Special Education Services? Join this August workshop presented by our Challenging Behavior and Autism Team. Workshop details: 9:30 AM - 3 PM, Aug. 1-4 at the PLAEA office in Pocahontas.
The learning will include:
- Schedules for teachers, paras, & individual students
- Training to guide paras on how to implement a behavior intervention plan
- Research-based interventions and functionally-equivalent replacement behaviors
- Appropriate responses when students are engaging in challenging behavior
- Ideas to physically and visually structure a Level 3 classroom
- Afternoon of the 3rd day & all day on the 4th day will be CPI recertification with additional time for role playing/practicing utilizing physical interventions (Attendees who do not need CPI certification will not need to attend these sessions. This will also include a review of Chapter 103, with time to practice documenting.)
PLUS....Participants will receive additional on-site support from the Challenging Behavior and Autism Team throughout the 2023-24 school year, which includes student-specific problem-solving, data-based decision making, and more.