Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-34. Have you and/or your staff been trained to notice the signs and symptoms of mental health illness and how to help a young person?

PLAEA offers regional Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) trainings throughout the school year at the Pocahontas AEA office.  The training is one day from 8:15-3:30.  The remaining dates for the 2023-2024 school year are February 8 and April 8.  Click  HERE to register.  A stipend is available to pay your substitute while you are out of the building taking YMHFA training.

If you would like to train the entire staff at your school, contact Kim Bodholdt, MHFA Coordinator, at with available date options.

Substitute stipend available!