Harris Family Shares Impact of AEAs in Light of Proposed Bill

EMMETSBURG, IA — For Laura Harris, her local AEA providers have become an extension of her family through a unique bond formed over years of partnering in the care and development of her son.

“I have worked with AEA providers for 15 years to support my son since his discharge from the NICU,” she says. “It truly takes a village to raise a child. As a parent of a child with special needs, my village has to be bigger than most to include special education teachers, paraprofessionals, doctors, specialists, and therapists. My family has formed a special bond with our team of AEA providers as we have been through so much with them.”

The Harris family has benefited from several agency programs. This includes the Early Access program, through which her son received home visits by physical, speech, vision, and occupational therapists until he started school. 

“The AEA helped us into the ECSE program when I enrolled my son in school, and he continues to see those providers to this day,” Harris says. “These services were so important to our family, and I cannot imagine life without them.”

Stories like this one illustrate the value provided by AEAs across Iowa. Do you have a similar story you would like to share regarding AEA services? We would love to hear it! Share your story here: www.iowaaea.org/share-your-story.