A Message from the President of the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics

My name is Kristin Grotewold, and I am the President of the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

ICTM's Math Conference is coming up on Tuesday, October 22 at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny! We hope you will join us this year!!

We have an incredible line-up of national speakers and great sessions from math educators across Iowa. Our keynote is Jo Boaler!!! We are so excited to have her in Iowa!! We also have fantastic featured speakers: Kevin Dykema (President of NCTM), John SanGiovanni, India White, and Nat Banting! It is so exciting to have an opportunity to learn from and grow our practice from these national leaders!

Check out conference details and registration here.

Need help convincing your administrator to go?  See our ICTM Justification Toolkit for reasons and a letter you can provide to help make the case for you to go!

Preconference Workshops on Monday, October 21.

The K-7 Workshop, Figuring Out Fluency: Beyond Facts and Algorithms will be facilitated by John SanGiovanni. This workshop will be based upon his Figuring Out Fluency book series. This workshop will be held at the Huxley Learning Center just north of Ankeny.

The 7-12 Workshop, Exploring High School Statistics and Probability through Hands-on Activities and Technology will be facilitated by Wendy Weber (Central College) and MaryAnne Huey (Drake University). This workshop will be held at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny.

And finally, we will have a Social and Dinner for conference registrants on Monday night, October 21 at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny. The event is FREE! We had a great response from attendees last year, and we are very excited to bring this event back!

How often do educators get an opportunity to socialize with fellow math educators and be honored with a nice dinner??? Special thanks to Imagine Learning for sponsoring the event! Please use this link to RSVP.

Need help convincing your administrator to go?  See our ICTM Justification Toolkit for reasons and a letter you can provide to help make the case for you to go!

Check out conference details and registration here. Attached is a conference flyer.

We are excited to have you join us at the 2024 ICTM Math Conference!

Learn more about the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics here.