• Additional Sections Added: Instructional Practices to Reduce Challenging Behavior

    Due to high demand of previous offerings, PLAEA is offering THREE additional sections of Instructional Practices to Reduce Challenging Behavior! Navigating… Read More

  • Teen Mental Health First Aid

    Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth.  Are your students as knowledgeable as they can be about recognizing the signs and symptoms… Read More

  • Principles and Practices for Positive Leadership Class

    PLAEA is offering a new course that provides evaluator approval renewal credit! This learning opportunity is based on Jon Gordon’s work regarding the power of… Read More

  • Chit Chat with CBAT

    Do you experience situations regarding challenging behavior that have you scratching your head? Have you collaborated with colleagues, but still desire additional brains… Read More

  • Implementing Supplemental & Intensive Tiers for Student Success

    Is your school improvement team or leadership team wanting to best serve students receiving supplemental and intensive instruction? Join us as we guide… Read More

  • The Numeracy Project

    Join the PLAEA Math team in collaboration with PLAEA Special Education Consultants to learn more about your role in MTSS and the use… Read More

  • Implementing an Instructional Framework to Support Experienced Multilinguals

    In this new class offering, participants will explore the transformative insights provided by "Long-Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals," a guide that challenges conventional… Read More

  • Two Autism & Other Development Disorders PD Opportunities

    ASD & Other Developmental Disorders Class Join us as we dig deeply into Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disorders! Through… Read More

  • Coming Soon! New Statewide Registration System- escWorks

    We’ve heard your feedback — you need an easier way to find, register and pay for courses.  Iowa’s AEAs are collaborating to move… Read More

  • CPI Sessions Added!

    Do you still have CPI training needs? Prairie Lakes AEA has added additional Nonviolent-Crisis Intervention trainings to be held on May 30th and… Read More