Instructor ToolBox

Cost to Participants-Aug. 1, 2024: Iowa’s AEAs Implement New Course Fee Structure

Beginning Aug. 1, 2024, Iowa’s AEAs will implement a new fee structure for professional learning courses. This new structure is being put in place due to funding changes experienced by the AEAs due to legislation (HF 2612) passed during the 2024 Iowa legislative session. The new fees will be for courses entered into the AEA Professional Learning Registration system on Aug. 1, 2024, or after. If a course was set up in the system before Aug. 1, it will carry the previous fee structure.

The information below outlines changes in fees for all categories of courses including the new microcredentials category.

Additional details

  • AEAs may offer courses with additional fees to cover costs related to specific courses.

  • Coaching for implementation will not be embedded in any course, but it is strongly recommended. Districts may access these supports at the daily rate.

  • A minimum number of participants may be required for specific courses. Registered participants will be notified if a course is canceled.

  • Out-of-network fees may differ for educators or retirees (i.e., police officers, private citizens).

  • All AEA professional learning opportunities are subject to approval from the Iowa Department of Education beginning July 1, 2025

If you have any questions, contact the Professional Learning Department at your local AEA.


NEW Registration System available AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2024.  We’ve Got an Easier Way for You to Register for AEA Professional Learning!

As a busy educator, we know you need an easier way to find, register, and pay for AEA professional learning courses. So Iowa’s AEAs are launching a new, more user-friendly AEA Professional Learning Registration System!

While the new system will have separate sites for each AEA and AEA Learning Online, you’ll still have access to courses from all AEAs and find the sites easier to navigate.

As we continue to enhance the system and introduce new features, we’re confident you will benefit from being able to:

  • Browse course catalogs without having to be logged in.
  • Log in with identAEA, which uses Google or Microsoft credentials. 
  • Create a new account instantaneously, rather than waiting 24 hours for activation. 

To get started, click on the link to your AEA below. As always, these links can be found on each AEA’s website. 

AEA Professional Learning Registration Websites
Central Rivers AEA Grant Wood AEA
Great Prairie AEA Green Hills AEA
Heartland AEA Keystone AEA
Mississippi Bend AEA Northwest AEA
Prairie Lakes AEA AEA Learning Online

What about instructors?

Instructors should have already entered their credentials (vita) in the new system. If you are an instructor, and you have not yet done this, refer to this communication for more information.  If you are an instructor proposing a new course, make sure to enter the course in the registration system of the AEA you are teaching the course for.

Instructors who are teaching a licensure renewal or graduate credit course must hold a valid teaching license and a Master's Degree with exceptions based on experience in a specialty area. If there are multiple instructors for a course at least one of the instructors must hold a Master's Degree.

  • Click here for information to create, review and submit a vita.
  • Contact Carrie Guerin to indicate that the vita has been submitted.
  • Click here for information to  "Create an Instructor Led Course".

Course Naming Conventions

Use the following conventions when proposing a course and section.
Course Title Layout
AEA Abbrev - Course Title    Ex: PL - Fierce Conversations
Section Title Layout
Physical location of class Start Month Day Year

Pocahontas PLAEA Sept 5 2024
*If class location is in school district, use building name
Spencer High Aug 30 2024
Webster City Middle Aug 19 2024

Setting up a Section

Before a course can be approved the section needs to be created.

Creating a section is completed in two steps.

  • Click here for information to "Create a Section"

Prairie Lakes AEA is proud to partner with the graduate programs at Buena Vista University Drake UniversityMorningside College and Grand View University to offer graduate credit.