Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
The mission of the Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services is to work for and with individuals who have disabilities to achieve their employment, independence and economic goals. It is important to connect students with the application process by their junior year, in order for them to be off the waiting list by the time they graduate.
IVRS Counselors by High School
Click on this document to find the counselor is that is assigned to your school. They may be able to provide pre-employment transition services to high school students. Also, check out a great new find on the IVRS website, specifically for teachers! Click Parents & Educators and have fun exploring!
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The WIOA was signed into federal law in July 2014 with the purpose to “empower individuals with disabilities to maximize employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence, and inclusion in and integration into society.” This resource Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act from ASK Resource Center explains the law in user-friendly language.